Aaron's Computer Services

ACS is commited to enhancing the computing expirence; this is done through providing hardware, technical advice, and assistance in nearly all areas of computing at near cost prices.

Computer Science 481, Rapid Application Development
Current Resume

*NOTE* Right click on these files, and choose "Save As", this WebServer will not let you launch files from it.
CSS Access97 Data Base w/ forms

CSS Access Data Base w/ forms in case the above doesn't work...

Query CSS Conversion to Relational DB

CSS Access Screen Shots

CSS Visual Basic Screen Shots....these may not be the most current because I am still developing them.

CSS Visual Basic Application, still in the works:
prjCSS.vbp prjCSS.vbw frmMain.frm frmMenu.frm frmFaculty.frm frmCourse.frm frmEmployee.frm frmRoom.frm frmSchedule.frm modCSS.bas

CSS VB Executable; place the application and the data base into "c:\css"; ....you also need to download the database as well.

ASP Stuff Hello Web If Statement Loop Varibles

Group Stuff: Group WebSite Temporary Group Website Other Temporary Group Website

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The Black Sunshine, jungle@mnic.net

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